Thrill of adventure and love of nature always push to explore remote and far-flung areas and to find new destinations. To face the hardships of such kind of experience and in order to quench the thirst of a vagabond instinct; there are several activities in the world, which can be included in the category of adventure. In Pakistan, mountain climbing, rock climbing, trekking/hiking, skiing, hot air ballooning, paragliding, canoeing sailing, rafting and mountain biking etc. are known only in a small circle of enthusiasts.
About two decades earlier, we started to visit famous tourist areas, which later on turned into soft adventures, like day hikes and camping etc. Now, the Club announces several programs for the interest of people of all age groups and with diversified range of activities on annual basis. The multi dimensional activities of the Club include adventure and training programs based on education oriented objectives and considering the social & ecological conservation of the area visited.
The Club, welcomes people from all walks of life to participate in our socio-adventure activities, without any barrier of age, gender, cast or creed.
